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Jayson Schwinn's Profile


Jayson Schwinn

Gifted Education 5-12

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About Me

Educational History:

I began college and spent 3 years at the Colorado School of Mines before transfering to the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, KS. I completed my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at USM. I have also done coursework towards district licensure through Wichita State University and ESOL endorsement through Newman University.

I began my 2nd master degree last fall with Fort Hays State University in Gifted Education, and I hope to complete the program in May 2021.

Degrees and Certifications:

BA Mathematics, Minor Secondary Education (2007)

MA Education (2009)

Professional Development:

I regularly attend the KEEN Math and Science Conference, KSDE’s Impact Institute, and the KATM Conference. 

I have also attended several KSDE Regional Trainings. 

Given any opportunity to improve my craft, I’ll jump at it. 

Current Position:

I began teaching at AHS in 2012 in the math department.

I have experience teaching Informal Geometry, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, and Statistics.

In 2019, I will be the 6-12 Gifted Teacher, splitting my time between the middle and high schools. 

I am typically the teacher that organizes math competitions, especially those put on by Pittsburg State University, Emporia State University and Oklahoma State University. 




Previous Position:

Maur Hill-Mount Academy, Atchison, KS (2007-2009)

Wichita North High School (2009-2010)

Halstead Middle School (2010-2011)

In my experience, I have taught every class from 7th Grade Math up through College Calculus. 

Personal Information:

My wife, Kara, and I got married in 2007. We have 5 children. My children currently attend Lincoln Elementary and Augusta Middle School.

I enjoy teaching and learning, and most of my hobbies involve at least some aspect of that love. 

I also enjoy reading, especially science fiction and fantasy novels, and am a bit of a gamer. 

Most of my free time is spent chasing my children to their different practices and clubs, and I coach or sponsor several of those activities. 

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