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Jennifer Webster's Profile


Jennifer Webster

FACS Teacher

profile pic

Contact Info:

Work Phone:


Conference Times:

7:40 a.m.

Class Room Number:


About Me

Current Position:

I joined the staff of Augusta High School in fall of 2003.  I have taught the nutrition and wellness, culinary essential, and teaching as a career pathways. I advise the Educators Rising organziation and sponsor the Chef’s Club.

I am a current member of:  DKG Delta Kappa Gamma, KNEA Kansas National Education Association, AAFCS American Association of Family Consumer Science and KACTE Kansas Association of Career Technical Education.


Previous Position:

My first teaching position was in Mulvane directly out of college.  I was the only teacher and taught all the courses, and added teaching yearbook and at risk classes. I have sponsored the FHA also known as FCCLA and served as district advisor.  

I moved closer to home and started teaching in 2003 at Augusta High where I share the teaching of classes with a long-time colleague.  I now focus on the culinary classes and the teaching pathways.  I sponsor the organziations associated with the pathways.  


Personal Information:

My Husband and I married in 1984 and have one daughter.  We enjoy the country life and living on a farm.  We love  the farm life, our  animals and enjoy our pets.  Go John Deere Green….

The hobbies and time away from school are still related to the things I enjoy teaching.  I love to cook, sew, photography and crafts.  I enjoy helping on the farm and occassionally still work in the field on my John Deere.

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Jennifer Webster

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Contact Jennifer Webster

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
Conference Time:
7:40 a.m.