FACS Teacher
I joined the staff of Augusta High School in fall of 2003. I have taught the nutrition and wellness, culinary essential, and teaching as a career pathways. I advise the Educators Rising organziation and sponsor the Chef’s Club.
I am a current member of: DKG Delta Kappa Gamma, KNEA Kansas National Education Association, AAFCS American Association of Family Consumer Science and KACTE Kansas Association of Career Technical Education.
My first teaching position was in Mulvane directly out of college. I was the only teacher and taught all the courses, and added teaching yearbook and at risk classes. I have sponsored the FHA also known as FCCLA and served as district advisor.
I moved closer to home and started teaching in 2003 at Augusta High where I share the teaching of classes with a long-time colleague. I now focus on the culinary classes and the teaching pathways. I sponsor the organziations associated with the pathways.
My Husband and I married in 1984 and have one daughter. We enjoy the country life and living on a farm. We love the farm life, our animals and enjoy our pets. Go John Deere Green….
The hobbies and time away from school are still related to the things I enjoy teaching. I love to cook, sew, photography and crafts. I enjoy helping on the farm and occassionally still work in the field on my John Deere.